Team Derby Runner - We'd love YOU to join us!
A Running Club to fit in with modern hectic lifestyles......
Always wanted the benefits of a running club without the commitment? – Why not join us?
- Ideal for those who you who just want to do your own thing with your running. Or for those too busy to join a standard club.
- No commitment to regular club nights necessary.
- No requirement to race in particular events.
- Free advice on hand from athletics coaches, podiatrists, physiotherapists, and more.
- Free club vest when joining.
- Benefit from lower entry fees to each event.
- Exclusive offers for Team Derby Runner members.
- All for £16 per year!
For more information contact us here or call us on 01332 280048.
Or email: [email protected]

Please feel free to get in touch with any questions HERE or use our CONTACT form.
See you all soon!
Rob - Team Derby Runner
A bit more about us...
There appears to be a growing trend of unaffiliated runners participating in running events. At a recent local 10K race we organised, it was noted that over 50% of entrants were not affiliated to any club. When questioned about the reasons for this, many stated that they did not feel they could spare the commitment to traditional running clubs. (i.e pressure to compete in specific club events and regular weekly training sessions).
As a specialist running retailer of 25 years, The Derby Runner is uniquely positioned to gauge people’s feelings on such matters. When approached, a good percentage of these unattached runners have confirmed an interest in joining a club with a much more flexible framework. Team Derby Runner aims to be this club.
Aims of the club:
Our goal is to tap in to the large number of unaffiliated runners in the local area, giving them the opportunity to become members of our club.
This club will aim to support such runners without the commitment that a traditional running club may be perceived to have. They can do as much or as little as they like.
Benefits for members:
Team Derby Runner will offer the training, advice and competition opportunities offered by many clubs. However, there will be no fixed club nights and no specific team events which club runners are expected to attend. The benefits
· The club will be run by people who our members will already know and trust.
· A familiar and approachable base for the club – their local running store.
· An established framework of experts (coaches, physiotherapists, podiatrists etc) to give advice on various running related issues.
· Regular communications to our members through email, website and social networking page. These communications will seek to further the running of our members through:
i) Informing members of appropriate local competitions/events.
ii) Educational and informative running-related articles.
iii) Creating a sense of club spirit and ‘togetherness’
· Regular running training sessions organised with qualified coaches will be organised for those members who wish to attend them.
The long term goal is to create a running club with regular training sessions and competition for those who desire it, while maintaining the support of all our other members.
Through an ongoing process of creating more qualified coaches and attracting new members via it’s connection to the shop, the club will endeavour to cater for various levels of ability.
The club will not seek to attract members from any other athletics/running clubs, but rather those who would never usually consider affiliation to the sport. Over time these members will be ‘shown’ the advantages club membership can bring. This will add to the base of the pyramid of participation of athletics, which in turn will help to strengthen all levels, from grass-roots upwards. Due to this, the impact on running clubs in the area will be negligible.